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           Order Of Cobra

Luciferianism is a philosophy centered on individuality, self-enlightenment and utilized power. Often Luciferianism is misrepresented as being associated with devil-worship which is an uneducated assumption. Luciferians do not believe in the 'devil' as we have the research, historical and theological records of the Ancient Near East at our fingertips; there is no Christian God and no Devil wanting to destroy humanity. The pantheons or Deific Masks (known also as Gods and Demons) represented both creative and destructive powers in nature and within the human being. Demons are representations of a type of energy or power which is not attached to any consistent natural phenomena. The topic of 'True Will' or ones' 'Daemon' is different from 'demon' as this type of genius or spirit is attached to the individual.

“Don’t teach your children to be afraid. Then you ask Abdul Malik, you want them to be radicals? You know what a radical is? People label people radicals who challenge them, then, after they are killed they call them heroes; Martin Luther King, Kennedy, Malcom X all radicals. Radical is a person who refuses to accept oppression. Who knows by the inner nature of the spirit in which God has made them, they yearn and have the right to breathe free. Freedom is not the gift of any nation to humanity. Freedom is from Allah subhana wa ta'ala to every creature he has created.”

"The light of Lucifer is the highest aspirations of mankind. It is the driving force that motivates us to greatness. It is what built the pyramids in Egypt the hanging gardens of Babylon and what drove the Mayans to build massive stone structures that even today we would have a hard time creating. It is the power behind Mozart’s masterpieces and Einstein’s equations. The black flame that moves armies across the battlefield topples towers of tyranny and frees the human race from bondage. The Will of the Luciferian burns before him and all in the way fall either seared or inflamed with awe. It is the understanding that the power at his fingertips is proven by not doing, by allowing your mind moments of thought and calculation. Self-control is one of the greatest traits one may build up. Anyone can commit acts of depravity- that never makes you special. What makes you unique is by allowing the Light of Lucifer to thrust you into a higher level of consciousness. With experience the knowledge gained allows for the wisdom to expand in power, illuminating your being so that all those who come in contact with you immediately evolve in some small way themselves. This is what in “Maskim Hul – Babylonian Magick” is called “Melammu”.  It is the awakening to the knowledge that you can form and create your world regardless of what other dogmas or doctrines tell insists that you cannot do.

The Luciferian represents the true elevated spirit of mankind, above good and evil, above mans fears, above everything aside from the human condition. We strive to improve mankind and bring forth the highest level of arts, mathematics, sciences, rhetoric, astronomy, geometry and metaphysical achievement. We do this with entering the depths of darkness within, discovering the balance of the primal powers within the subconscious and uniting them with our conscious mind to create balance. The Luciferian exists outside of the Judeo-Christian good vs. evil framework, thrust on all cultures since it first dominated the roman empire. Now is the possibility for the individual to start thinking clearly, to realize every day your life passes by with your mind controlled by the dualistic and good vs. evil dogma which breeds crime and sickness. Luciferians are those who have the individual drive to achieve their goals and to reach their dreams in life." -Lathotyp, J.J. Barker, Author of BOOK 75 and Michael W. Ford, Founder of TOPH.

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